On 27 September, the members of the Adult Learning professionals community in Ireland invited the coordinators of the Seniors4Change project to present the initial results of the project at their general meeting, as part of the NEAAL programme (New European Agenda for Adult Learning). Supported in Ireland by EPALE Ireland, the members of NEAAL were interested in several initiatives created in other European countries that could inspire new initiatives or easily be replicated in Ireland as part of formal and informal training programmes for adults _ and Seniors4Change was chosen!
Following our first year of the project, participants were able to discover the objectives and purpose of Seniors4Change, as well as examples drawn from our Collection of Sustainable Do-It-Yourself Practices, our research framework and our conclusions for the 5 European countries taking part in the study. Finally, our conclusions from WP2, as well as the reflections and recommendations we drew from them for the next tasks in the project, were discussed with all the participants, who drew some food for thought for their future adult education programmes in Ireland.
We hope that our project will successfully inspire new initiatives!